Functions --------- .. crowbar:element:: FunctionDeclaration <- FunctionSignature ';' Compile-time Behavior: Provides a declaration of a function with the name, return type, and arguments specified by the signature, but does not specify any behavior. This is generally used as part of an API boundary. Runtime Behavior: A function declaration has no runtime behavior. .. crowbar:element:: FunctionDefinition <- FunctionSignature Block Compile-time Behavior: Provides the actual behavior of a function, which may have been declared previously or may not. If the function was declared in some ``.hro`` file which was :crowbar:ref:`include <IncludeStatement>`\ d, the function must be exported and available for external use in the compiler's output. Otherwise, the function should not be exported. If the function signature specifies a return type other than ``void``, but there are paths through the block that do not execute a :crowbar:ref:`ReturnStatement`, the compiler must give an error. Runtime Behavior: When the function is called, the arguments must be populated and the block must be executed. .. crowbar:element:: FunctionSignature <- Type identifier '(' SignatureArguments? ')' SignatureArguments <- Type identifier (',' Type identifier)* ','? Compile-time Behavior: A function signature specifies the return type, name, and arguments of a function. Runtime Behavior: A function signature has no runtime behavior.